
"New Approach Trains Robots to Match Human Dexterity and Speed"
May 21, 2015 | John Markoff, The New York Times

In an engineering laboratory here, a robot has learned to screw the cap on a bottle, even figuring out the need to apply a subtle backward twist to find the thread before turning it the right way.

"BodyWorn, the Police-Worn Camera that Aims to Reduce Crime "
May 19, 2015 | John Brandon,


Should local police wear and use a body camera at all times?<br /><br /> That’s the debate many police departments are having after riots broke out in Baltimore in April. Last year, unrest in Ferguson led to continuing racial tensions. Yet, for one company, a camera pointed toward a criminal is also a protective measure for the public at large.

"China, US Have Weapons for Cyberassualt"
May 11, 2015 | Doug Bernard, Voice of America

As the World Wide Web has evolved and grown more complicated, so have the tools and techniques of cyber-espionage and military action.

Ad-injecting malware is one of the most reliable scams on the web. Once a computer's infected, the virus will drop new ads into any site it visits, sending ad revenue back to the scammers who control it.

"China Censors, Blocks Sites With 'Like' Buttons"
April 28, 2015 | Brian Krebs, Krebs on Security

Chinese government censors at the helm of the “Great Firewall of China” appear to have inadvertently blocked Chinese Web surfers from visiting pages that call out to, a resource used by Facebook’s “like” buttons.

"Op-Ed: Why the Entire Premise of Tor-Enabled Routers is Ridiculous"
April 18, 2015 | Nicholas Weaver, Ars Technica

Ars recently reviewed two "Tor routers," devices that are supposed to improve your privacy by routing all traffic through the Tor anonymity network. Although the initial release of Anonabox proved woefully insecure, the basic premise itself is flawed.

Libertarian ideals, crime and citizens' rights in the digital age – there are many themes running through Alex Winter's latest documentary film, Deep Web, but by far the greatest focus is the story of Ross Ulbricht and his involvement in the online drugs marketplace Silk Road.

"Women Shown Fewer Online Ads for High-Paying Jobs, Study Shows"
April 16, 2015 | Michael Keller, Al Jazeera America

Online ads for high-paying jobs are shown more often to men than to women, according to a recent study from researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, raising questions about the who is responsible for the potentially discriminatory patterns of complex algorithms.

In an era when data breaches and cyberattacks are in the news daily, what does it take for a cybersecurity story to stand out and capture the public interest? Which recent threats have stuck in your memory? Heartbleed and Shellshock probably, perhaps also FREAK and POODLE. Cybersecurity experts know that branding matters.

"China Is Said to Use Powerful New Weapon to Censor Internet"
April 10, 2015 | Nicole Perlroth, New York Times

Late last month, China began flooding American websites with a barrage of Internet traffic in an apparent effort to take out services that allow China’s Internet users to view websites otherwise blocked in the country.
