XORP 1.4 Released

April 1, 2007
The International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) has announced Release 1.4 of XORP, the eXtensible Open Router Platform. The software is available for download at www.xorp.org.

Release 1.4 adds OSPFv3, the IPv6-compatible version of the Open Shortest Path First protocol, to the set of routing protocols that XORP supports. Because of XORP's "design for extensibility" philosophy and architecture, the new OSPFv3 implementation represents a straightforward extension of the XORP OSPFv2 code base. Release 1.4 supports IPv4 and IPv6 functionality for all major Linux and BSD platforms, as well as for Mac OS X; Microsoft Windows Server 2003 support is currently IPv4 only.

Originally conceived of as an open routing stack for networking research, XORP today is providing the technological base for a wave of innovation in the routing market. It is the core routing component of Vyatta's OFR, the industry's first commercial open-source router and firewall solution. Vyatta announced an $11M Series B funding round on April 2.

The XORP project is based at ICSI, an independent, non-profit research center in Berkeley, CA. lCSI is a leading innovator in the field of computer science. Its international team of staff scientists and visitors develop cutting-edge technology and applications in computer networking, bioinformatics, artificial intelligence, and speech and language processing.

For more information on ICSI, see ICSI's Home Page.