Beyond Technical Security: Developing an Empirical Basis for Socio-Economic Perspectives

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Beyond Technical Security title slide from Vern Paxson's talkVern Paxson of the Networking Group leads security research at ICSI. At our research review, he gave a talk titled "Beyond Technical Security: Developing an Empirical Basis for Socio-Economic Perspectives," which described recent ICSI research on the socio-economic side of Internet security. Here is the talk abstract:

Security is at once a technical property of a system and a socio-economic property of the environment in which it operates. While the vast majority of security research and practice focuses on the first of these, a perspective limited to technical considerations misses an entire half of the problem space: the human element. This talk sketches some recent work exploring security issues from a socio-economic perspective, which highlights both interesting new problems to tackle and the power that such approaches can potentially provide to defenders.

Slides from the talk are available here as a .pdf file.

For more information on security work at ICSI, here are a few recent technical papers:

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