
Found 4258 results
Author Title Type Year
Ferrari, D. (1992).  Real-Time Communication in an Internetwork.
Hermansky, H., & Morgan N. (1992).  RelAtive SpecTrAl (RASTA) Processing in Speech Analysis. Proceedings of the Speech Research Symposium XII.
Parris, C., & Ferrari D. (1992).  A Resource Based Pricing Policy for Real-Time Channels in a Packet-Switching Network.
Pan, V. (1992).  [REVISED:] New Resultant Inequalities and Complex Polynomial Factorization.
Greenspon, M. C. (1992).  Ring Array Processor: Programmer's Guide to the RAP Libraries.
Colombetti, M., & Dorigo M. (1992).  Robot Shaping: Developing Situated Agents Through Learning.
Omohundro, S., & Lim C-C. (1992).  The Sather Language and Libraries.
Moulin, H., & Shenker S. J. (1992).  Serial Cost Sharing. Econometrica. 60(5), 1009-1037.
Feldman, J., Lim C-C., & Rauber T. (1992).  The Shared-Memory Language pSather on a Distributed-Memory Multiprocessor. Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (SIGPLAN). 17-20.
Goldmann, M., & Karpinski M. (1992).  Simulating Threshold Circuits by Majority Circuits.
Feldman, J. (1992).  Structured Connectionist Models and Language Learning. Selected Readings of the Swedish Conference on Connectionism.
Feldman, J. (1992).  Structured Connectionist Models and Language Learning.
Zlatev, J. (1992).  A Study of Perceptually Grounded Polysemy in a Spatial Microdomain.
Clark, D. D., Shenker S. J., & Zhang L. (1992).  Supporting Real-Time Applications in an Integrated Services Packet Network: Architecture and Mechanism. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM '92 Conference on Communications Architecture & Protocols. 14-26.
Bachrach, J. (1992).  A Symbolic Complexity Analysis of Connectionist Algorithms for Distributed-Memory Machines.
Aberer, K., & Codenotti B. (1992).  Towards a Complexity Theory for Approximation.
Fillmore, C. J., & Atkins B.. T. S. (1992).  Towards a Frame-Based Organization of the Lexicon: The Semantics of RISK and Its Neighbors. 75-102.
Darken, C., & Moody J. (1992).  Towards Faster Stochastic Gradient Search. 4,
Hermansky, H., & Morgan N. (1992).  Towards Handling the Acoustic Environment in Spoken Language Processing. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'92). 85-88.
Floyd, S., & Jacobson V. (1992).  On Traffic Phase Effects in Packet-Switched Gateways. Internetworking: Research and Experience. 3(3), 115-156.
Stolcke, A., & Wu D. (1992).  Tree Matching with Recursive Distributed Representations.
d'Amore, F., Marchetti-Spaccamela A., & Nanni U. (1992).  The Weighted List Update Problem and the Lazy Adversary.
Frieze, A., Karp R. M., & Reed B. (1992).  When is the Assignment Bound Tight for the Asymmetric Traveling-Salesman Problem?.
