
Found 4258 results
Author Title Type Year
Tahaei, M., Frik A., & Vaniea K. (2021).  Privacy Champions in Sofware Teams: Understanding Their Motivations, Strategies, and Challenges. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021,
Weaver, N. (2021).  The Ransomware Problem Is a Bitcoin Problem.
McClure, S., Ratnasamy S., Bansal D., & Padhye J. (2021).  Rethinking networking abstractions for cloud tenants. HotOS '21: Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems. 41-48.
Balakrishnan, H., Banerjee S., Cidon I., Culler D. E., Estrin D., Katz-Basset E. B., et al. (2021).  Revitalizing the public internet by making it extensible. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review . 51(2), 18-24.
Wang, J., Chakraborty R., & Yu S. X. (2021).  Spatial Transformer for 3D Point Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Wang, X., & Yu S. X. (2021).  Tied Block Convolution: Leaner and Better CNNs with Shared Thinner Filters. Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Ke, T-W., Hwang J-J., & Yu S. X. (2021).  Universal Weakly Supervised Segmentation by Pixel-to-Segment Contrastive Learning. Proceedings of International Conference on Learning Representations.
Hornauer, S., Li K., Yu S. X., Ghaffarzadegan S., & Ren L. (2021).  Unsupervised Discriminative Learning of Sounds for Audio Event Classification. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
Wang, X., Liu Z., & Yu S. X. (2021).  Unsupervised Feature Learning by Cross-Level Instance-Group Discrimination. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Wang, X., Lian L., & Yu S. X. (2021).  Unsupervised Visual Attention and Invariance for Reinforcement Learning. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
Weaver, N. (2021).  What Happened in the Kaseya VSA Incident?. Lawfare.
Weaver, N. (2021).  What's the Deal with the Log4Shell Security Nightmare?. Lawfare.
Feldmann, A., Gasser O., Lichtblau F., Pujol E., Poese I., Dietzel C., et al. (2021).  A Year in Lockdown: How the Waves of COVID-19 Impact Internet Traffic. Communications of the ACM (CACM). 64(7), 101-108.
Bernd, J., Abu-Salma R., Choy J., & Frik A. (2022).  Balancing Power Dynamics in Smart Homes: Nannies’ Perspectives on How Cameras Reflect and Affect Relationships. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Baker, C. F., Ellsworth M., Petruck M. R. L., & Lorenzi A. (2022).  Comparing Distributional and Curated Approaches for Cross-lingual Frame Alignment. Workshop on Dimensions of Meaning: Distributional and Curated Semantics. 24-30.
Feldman, J. A. (2022).  Computation, perception, and mind. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45,
Weaver, N. (2022).  The Death of Cryptocurrency: The Case for Regulation. Yale Law School Information Society Project. Digital Future Whitepaper Series,
Alomar, N., & Egelman S. (2022).  Developers Say the Darnedest Things: Privacy Compliance Processes Followed by Developers of Child-Directed Apps. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies. 2022, 250-273.
Kwon, W., Kim S., Mahoney M. W., Hassoun J., Keutzer K., & Gholami A. (2022).  A Fast Post-Training Pruning Framework for Transformers. NeurIPS.
Abdi, N., Despres T., Abu-Salma R., & Bernd J. (2022).   In-Home Smart Devices: Quantifying Bystander Privacy Experiences and Social Norms in Different Situations. Symposium on Applications of Contextual Integrity. 4,
Eshragh, A., Roosta F., Nazari A., & Mahoney M. (2022).  LSAR: Efficient Leverage Score Sampling Algorithm for the Analysis of Big Time Series Data. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 23, 1-36.
N. Erichson, B., Lim S. Hoe, Utrera F., Xu W., Cao Z., & Mahoney M. (2022).  NoisyMix: Boosting Robustness by Combining Data Augmentations, Stability Training, and Noise Injections. arXiv.
Tahaei, M., Bernd J., & Rashid A. (2022).  Privacy, Permissions, and the Health App Ecosystem: A Stack Overflow Exploration. EuroUSEC. 117-130.
Malkin, N., Wagner D., & Egelman S. (2022).  Runtime Permissions for Privacy in Proactive Intelligent Assistants. Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Chasins, S., Cheung A., Crooks N., Ghodsi A., Goldberg K., Gonzalez J. E., et al. (2022).  The Sky Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View on the Future of Cloud Computing.
