
Found 209 results
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Conference Paper
Bourlard, H., Cohen M., Kohn P., Morgan N., & Wooters C. (1991).  Phonetic Context in Hybrid HMM/MLP Continuous Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech '91). 109-112.
Wu, S-L., Kingsbury B., Morgan N., & Greenberg S. (1998).  Performance Improvements Through Combining Phone- and Syllable-Length Information in Automatic Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'98). 854-857.
Mirghafori, N., Morgan N., & Bourlard H. (1994).  Parallel Training of MLP Probability Estimators for Speech Recognition: A Gender-Based Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE Neural Networks for Signal Processing Workshop (NNSP 94).
Mirghafori, N., Morgan N., & Bourlard H. (1994).  Parallel Training of MLP Probability Estimators for Speech Recognition: A Gender-Based Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing. 289-298.
Cook, G.., Christie J.., Ellis D. P. W., Fosler-Lussier E., Gotoh Y.., Kingsbury B., et al. (1999).  An Overview of the SPRACH System for the Transcription of Broadcast News. Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop.
Chong, J., Friedland G., Janin A., & Morgan N. (2010).  Opportunities and Challenges of Parallelizing Speech Recognition.
Morgan, N., & Bourlard H. (1995).  Neural Networks for Statistical Recognition of Continuous Speech. Proceedings of IEEE. 83(5), 742-770.
Bourlard, H., & Morgan N. (1991).  Neural Networks for Statistical Inference: Generalizations with Applications to Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN '91).
Bourlard, H., & Morgan N. (1991).  Neural Networks for Statistical Inference: Generalizations with Applications to Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN '91).
Robinson, A.., Almeida L.., Boite J.., Bourlard H., Fallside F., Hochberg H.., et al. (1993).  A Neural Network Based, Speaker Independent, Large Vocabulary, Continuous Speech Recognition System: the Wernicke Project. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech '93). 1941-1944.
Zhao, S. Y., Ravuri S., & Morgan N. (2009).  Multi-Stream to Many-Stream: Using Spectro-Temporal Features for ASR. 2951-2954.
Janin, A., Ellis D. P. W., & Morgan N. (1999).  Multi-stream Speech Recognition: Ready for Prime Time?. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech '99).
Zhao, S. Y., & Morgan N. (2008).  Multi-Stream Spectro-Temporal Features for Robust Speech Recognition. 898-901.
Cohen, M., Franco H., Morgan N., Rumelhart D., & Abrash V. (1992).  Multiple-State Context-Dependent Phonetic Modeling with MLPs. Proceedings of the Speech Research Symposium XII.
Beck, J., Morgan N., Allman A.., & Beer J. (1989).  A Multi-DSP Ring Array for Connectionist Simulations. Proceedings of 23rd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers.
Konig, Y., & Morgan N. (1994).  Modeling Dynamics in Connectionist Speech Recognition - the Time Index Model. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 94). 1523-1526.
Morgan, N., Baron D., Bhagat S., Carvey H., Dhillon R., Edwards J., et al. (2003).  Meetings About Meetings: Research at ICSI on Speech in Multiparty Conversations. Proceedings of ICASSP-2003.
Morgan, N., Baron D., Edwards J., Ellis D. P. W., Gelbart D., Janin A., et al. (2001).  The Meeting Project at ICSI. Proceedings of the Human Language Technologies Conference.
Chen, B. Y., Zhu Q., & Morgan N. (2004).  Long-Term Temporal Features for Conversational Speech Recognition. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (MLMI 2004).
Tsai, T.. J., & Morgan N. (2012).  Longer Features: They Do a Speech Detector Good.
Chen, B. Y., Zhu Q., & Morgan N. (2004).  Learning Long-Term Temporal Features in LVCSR Using Neural Networks. Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing.
Wu, S-L., Shire M. Lee, Greenberg S., & Morgan N. (1997).  Integrating Syllable Boundary Information Into Speech Recognition. The 22nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 1997). 2, 987-990.
Koehler, J., Morgan N., Hermansky H., Hirsch H-G., & Tong G.. (1994).  Integrating RASTA-PLP into Speech Recognition. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech & Signal Processing.
Jurafsky, D., Wooters C., Tajchman G., Segal J., Stolcke A., & Morgan N. (1994).  Integrating Experimental Models of Syntax, Phonology, and Accent/Dialect in a Speech Recognizer. Proceedings of the 12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, Washington.
Chang, S-Y., & Morgan N. (2013).  Informative Spectro-Temporal Bottleneck Features for Noise-Robust Speech Recognition.
