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Allman, M. (1998).  On the Generation and Use of TCP Acknowledgments. ACM Computer Communication Review. 28,
Allman, M. (1999).  TCP Byte Counting Refinements.
Allman, M., Caldwell A.., & Ostermann S. (1997).  ONE: The Ohio Network Emulator.
Allman, M. (2001).  Measuring End-to-End Bulk Transfer Capacity. ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop.
Allman, M., Blanton E., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2006).  Fighting Coordinated Attackers with Cross-Organizational Information on Sharing. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (Hotnets-V). 121-126.
Allman, M. (2010).  On Building Special-Purpose Social Networks for Emergency Communication. ACM Computer Communication Review. 40,
Allman, M. (2000).  A Web Server's View of the Transport Layer.
Allman, M. (2013).  On Changing the Culture of Empirical Internet Assessment. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 43(3), 78-83.
Allman, M., Paxson V., & Terrell J.. (2007).  A Brief History of Scanning. 77-82.
Allman, M. (2003).  An Evaluation of XML-RPC. ACM Performance Evaluation Review.
Allman, M., & Paxson V. (1999).  On Estimating End-to-End Network Path Properties. ACM SIGCOMM.
Allman, M., Ostermann S., & Metz C.. (1998).  FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs.
Allman, M., Barford P., Krishnamurty B., & Wang J. (2006).  Tracking the Role of Adversaries in Measuring Unwanted Traffic. Proceedings of the Second Conference on Steps to Reduce Unwanted Traffic in the Internet (SRUTI). 6.
Allman, M. (2019).  On Eliminating Root Nameservers from the DNS. Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets).
Allman, M., & Ostermann S. (2000).  FTP Extensions for Variable Protocol Specification.
Allman, M., Floyd S., & Partridge C. (2002).  RFC 3390: Increasing TCP's Initial Window.
Allman, M., & Paxson V. (2008).  A Reactive Measurement Framework. 92-101.
Allman, M. (2009).  Comments on Selecting Ephemeral Ports. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 39(2), 13-19.
Allman, M. (1997).  Improving TCP Performance Over Satellite Channels.
Allman, M. (2013).  Comments on Bufferbloat. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 3(1), 30-37.
Allman, M., & Paxson V. (2007).  Issues and Etiquette Concerning Use of Shared Measurement Data. 135-140.
Allman, M. (2003).  On the Performance of Middleboxes. ACM SIGCOMM/Usenix Internet Measurement Conference.
Allman, M., & Ostermann S. (1999).  FTP Security Considerations.
Allman, M., Hayes C., & Ostermann S. (1998).  An Evaluation of TCP with Larger Initial Windows. ACM Computer Communication Review. 28,
Allman, M., Kruse H., & Ostermann S. (2000).  A History of the Improvement of Internet Protocols Over Satellites Using ACTS.
