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Shire, M. Lee, & Chen B. Y. (2000).  On Data-Derived Temporal Processing in Speech Feature Extraction. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000).
Shire, M. Lee, & Chen B. Y. (2000).  Data-driven RASTA Filters in Reverberation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000).
Barker, J., Cooke M. P., & Ellis D. P. W. (2000).  Decoding Speech in the Presence of Other Sound Sources. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 2000).
Greenberg, S., Chang S., & Hollenback J. (2000).  An Introduction to the Diagnostic Evaluation of the Switchboard-Corpus Automatic Speech Recognition Systems. Proceedings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Speech Transcription Workshop.
Crawford, L.. E., Regier T., & Huttenlocher J.. (2000).  Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Spatial Categorization. Cognition. 75(3), 209-235.
Greenberg, S., & Chang S. (2000).  Linguistic Dissection of Switchboard-Corpus Automatic Speech Recognition Systems. Proceedings of the ISCA Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition: Challenges for the New Millennium.
Bergen, B. K., & Chang N. (2000).  Prepositional semantics in embodied construction grammar.
Kohler, E., Chen B., M. Kaashoek F., Morris R., & Poletto M. (2000).  Programming Language Techniques for Modular Router Configurations.
Bergen, B. K., Chang N., & Paskin M.. (2000).  Simulation-based language understanding in embodied construction grammar.
Bergen, B. K., & Chang N. (2000).  Spatial Schematicity of prepositions in neural grammar.
Xiao, X.., Hannan A.., Paxson V., & Crabbe E.. (2000).  TCP Processing of the IPv4 Precedence Field.
Chang, N., & Fischer I.. (2000).  Understanding idioms.
Adams, A. K., Bu T., Cáceres R., Duffield N., Friedman T., Horowitz J., et al. (2000).  The Use of End-to-end Multicast Measurements for Characterizing Internal Network Behavior.
Condon, A., & Karp R. M. (1999).  Algorithms for Graph Partitioning on the Planted Partition Model. (Randomization, Approximation, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques.). 221-232.
Condon, A., Edelsbrunner H., E. Emerson A., & Fortnow L. (1999).  Challenges for Theory of Computing. SIGACT News. 30,
Crestani, F. (1999).  An Experimental Study of the Effects of Word Recognition Errors in Spoken Queries on the Effectiveness of an Information Retrieval System.
Crowcroft, J., Handley M., & Wakeman I. (1999).  Internetworking Multimedia.
Crestani, F. (1999).  A Model for Combining Semantic and Phonetic Term Similarity for Spoken Document and Spoken Query Retrieval.
Cook, G.., Christie J.., Ellis D. P. W., Fosler-Lussier E., Gotoh Y.., Kingsbury B., et al. (1999).  An Overview of the SPRACH System for the Transcription of Broadcast News. Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop.
Cook, G.., Christie J.., Ellis D. P. W., Fosler-Lussier E., Gotoh Y.., Kingsbury B., et al. (1999).  An Overview of the SPRACH System for the Transcription of Broadcast News. Proceedings of the DARPA Broadcast News Transcription and Understanding Workshop.
Oropesa, E., Cycon H. L., & Jobert M. (1999).  Sleep Stage Classification using Wavelet Transform and Neural Network.
Shastri, L., & Chang S. (1999).  A Spatiotemporal Connectionist Model of Algebraic Rule-Learning.
Tombros, T., & Crestani F. (1999).  A Study of Users' Perception of Relevance of Spoken Documents.
Shastri, L., Chang S., & Greenberg S. (1999).  Syllable Detection and Segmentation Using Temporal Flow Neural Networks. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 3, 1721-1724.
Breslau, L., Cao P., Fan L., Phillips G., & Shenker S. J. (1999).  Web Caching and Zipf-Like Distributions: Evidence and Implications. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM '99). 1, 126-134.
