
Found 18 results
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Filters: First Letter Of Title is C and Author is Vern Paxson  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Paper
Nechaev, B., Paxson V., Allman M., & Gurtov A. (2009).  On Calibrating Enterprise Switch Measurements. 143-155.
Paxson, V. (1998).  On Calibrating Measurements of Packet Transit Times. Proceedings of the International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS '98). 11-21.
Afroz, S., Fifield D., Tschantz M. Carl, Paxson V., & Tygar J.D.. (2015).  Censorship Arms Race: Research vs. Practice. Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies (HotPETs).
Zhang, Y., Breslau L., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2002).  On the Characteristics and Origins of Internet Flow Rates. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference. 309-322.
Pang, R., Yegneswaran V., Barford P., Paxson V., & Peterson L. (2004).  Characteristics of Internet Background Radiation. Proceedings of the 2004 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2004).
Pearce, P., Dave V., Grier C., Levchenko K., Guha S., McCoy D., et al. (2014).  Characterizing Large-Scale Click Fraud in ZeroAccess.
Singh, R., Nithyanand R., Afroz S., Tschantz M. Carl, Gill P., & Paxson V. (2017).  Characterizing the Nature and Dynamics of Tor Exit Blocking.. Proceedings of USENIX Security 2017.
Levchenko, K., Pitsillidis A., Chachra N., Enright B., Felegyhazi M., Grier C., et al. (2011).  Click Trajectories: End-to-End Analysis of the Spam Value Chain. 431-446.
Martignoni, L., Poosankam P., Zaharia M., Han J., McCamant S., Song D., et al. (2012).  Cloud Terminal: Secure Access to Sensitive Applications from Untrusted Systems. 165-176.
Thomas, K., Li F., Grier C., & Paxson V. (2014).  Consequences of Connectivity: Characterizing Account Hijacking on Twitter.
Zhang, Y., Duffield N., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2001).  On the Constancy of Internet Path Properties. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop (IMW '01). 197-211.
Adams, A. K., Mahdavi J., Mathis M., & Paxson V. (1998).  Creating a Scalable Architecture for Internet Measurement. Proceedings of the Internet Summit (INET '98).
Journal Article
Zhang, Y., Breslau L., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2002).  On the Characteristics and Origins of Internet Flow Rates. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 32(4), 309-322.
Mahajan, R., Bellovin S. M., Floyd S., Ioannidis J., Paxson V., & Shenker S. J. (2002).  Controlling High Bandwidth Aggregates in the Network. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 32(3), 62-73.
Marczak, B., Weaver N., Dalek J., Fifield D., McKune S., Rey A., et al. (2015).  China’s Great Cannon. The Citizen Report.
Web Article
Dokas, P., Jones K., Kasza A., Nadji Y., & Paxson V. (2021).  Corelight Sensors detect the ChaChi RAT. Security Boulevard.